tiistai 22. marraskuuta 2011

Dracula by Pexi

The sharpest of you might have noticed that my picture is quite nonexistent at the moment. To be totally honest with you I had so much academy projects going on (raiding like Firelands is going away) and other work I had to do (Skyrim arrived), so I couldn't finish it. It will be here as soon as possible. And with full colours. I promise.

perjantai 18. marraskuuta 2011

Dragula by Haggis

He isn't any on-sunshine-glittering vegetarian, but a real, horrifying and wicked blood sucker, Count Dragula. Dunno if he used to bottle blood, but it would certainly have made things easier.
I had quite a hurry finishing this work last night but sadly Pexi couldn't make this deadline at all. We both are probably just too stupid to start anything in good time... And then Skyrim came out this week too. Anyway Pexi will release his Dragula later.
Pexi and Markku have both now decided one character we do and its finally my pick. I've already made my mind and i can tell, that if Dragula is a twisted spawn of evil, the next one will be way worse ;)

- Haggis

keskiviikko 2. marraskuuta 2011

LINK by Pexi

And here is my version. Nothing fancy, just plain old pens with some pastels on the edges. It should have some colours but I just ran out of time to do it. Next time will be more colourfull. I promise.
I would love to hear any comments you might have and I can try to answer any questions also. Thanks for checking Rip-Off Illustrated out!

Link by Haggis

My graphit pen version of Link. I recalled he used to catch fairies in bottles...

- Haggis

LINK by Markku Mujunen

All right, we kick-started the blog with one of the most recognizable video game characters in existence, Link from Legend of Zelda. I haven't actually played any of the games, so the planning for this was to do something simple. Showing Link in a dark cavern seemed to be the best (and also the easiest) idea.

- Markku

In the beginning...

...there was a void. Three graphic designers were thinking about starting a blog. It was a wonderful idea, and the blog was soon hammered into shape. It brought joy and happiness into the world. This is not that blog.

This blog is made by three Finnish graphic design students, who think that drawing something out of ordinary will make them better artists. The idea is simple; one of us picks a subject, and then we draw it. Our deadlines are not entirely shaped yet, but we strive to make at least one update per month.

We might also do something to the site itself, since it looks like it was built hastily, which is not the case. It was built over a long time of doing nothing.

So, sit back and relax. We hope you enjoy this blog.

- Markku